Write code

If you want to write a new feature, fork the project, or fix some bugs please feel free to do it! This project is open source under the apache v2 licence. I might be slow in checking the pull requests but will definitly get back to you! You can view the code and clone the project on the button in top bar, or here. Documentation on how to build and develop the plugin locally coming soon…

Report a bug

If if you have found a bug, please report it creating a new issue on github. Giving more detail (ex: adding a screenshot and description) helps to find the problem. Reporting issues when they happen helps make this plugin better, and we appreciate the time it takes to give us this information. As guideline please don’t simply write it doesn’t work, I know the target of this software is most likely developers, still, if you have time, read some guidelines to make everyone’s life a bit easier.

Of course if you spot a broken link in this documentation or even a mispelled word, let me know as described above. Thank you.

Tell your ideas

If you have an idea to make this project better and more useful, simply leave a comment here.